Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sharing & Caring @ 14 mths 1 wks

Early in the morning, mommy took out Ethan's little biscuits for him... Ethan seems extra excited because usually Ethan was only allowed to eat biscuits in the afternoon after lunch.. Ethan took the biscuit, bites it into half.. and surprisingly... he held the other half, and stuffed it to mommy.. mommy was soooooo surprised.. this is the first time he automatically feed mommy, after mommy's numerous effort to show him how to share with other... mommy was sooooooo touched (●^o^●)

Friday, June 25, 2010

"ma ma ma ma ma ma" Week @ 13 mths 4 wks

Last week, Ethan was calling everyone "papa" "papa" "papa", so it's "papa" week... but this week, it's Mommy's turn d (*^^)v ... This week, everyone is "ma ma" "ma ma" "ma ma"... Hahaha!!