Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ethan says "peeeeees" (please) in his dreams @ 15 mths 4 wks

Since mommy and Ethan is always stuck in the morning rush hour jam to Por Por house, let's do soemthing more interesting in the car :)

Ethan: "mum mum ah!!"
Mommy: "u wan biscuits?"
Ethan: *nod nod* vy hardly
Mommy: "say please"
Ethan: "peeeeeeeesssssss"
Mommy: "Clever boy!!" (wondering how babies automatically know that they should omit the word "say")

Mommy hand over a small piece of biscuit (just nice to fit into Ethan's mouth).
Mommy: "say thank you"
Ethan: "ta chiuuu ahh!!"
Both mommy and Ethan laughed (^_^)

And mommy repeated the game over and over again everytime she passes a small piece of biscuit to Ethan...

Now you guys know why Ethan will say "peeeeeesss" in his dreams?? hahahahah!!

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